My mum came up from the south coast last week to help my sister Janie out with wee Claire. Janie has to get back to work as Mick was retrenched and is in the process of starting his own venture MG Steelwork. (Let me know if you need an expert welder who does customised security steelworks and ballistrades).Anyhoo, I collected my mum from my sister's place on Saturday so she could spend time with our wee family. It was great to have her we always talk the biggest load of rubbish!She also looked after the girls for us on Saturday night so we could have an "adult night out" and went to Bruce's birthday party (just my Boerewors and I).On Sunday we went out for breakfast together and we spent the rest of the day sitting outside in the sun. I brought out the girls plastic table and KK kept herself busy all afternoon with her teaset and filling and refilling jugs of water and pouring from one container to the other.Who knew it would keep her busy for hours while my mum and I natterd about everything and anything. In between sipping "Kaylin tea", we talked a lot about my Gran and her best friend and what mischief they used to get up to when my mum was little.We enjoyed the sunshine (I got slightly burnt)....summer is on its way......until I woke up this morning to overcast skies and mist...*grumble*Not quite Summer yet, I suppose.
Granny discussing the quality of Kaylin "Tea Shop" and the lack of good snacks and services.
My mum is just the best with the girls!! She's the Master at playing Pretend. While drinking Kaylin Tea, she had her pinky finger in the air and was saying "Idol Chatter, Idol Gossip" which made Kaylin giggled. She's so silly - now I know where I get it from.
Granny demonstrates how to drink a cup of Kaylin-Tea properly - Pinkie in the airMegan popped in to our tea party to pose for the camera (between playing XBox games, of course)
Kaylin building tower blocks
Freaky Worms
Our sausages with spagetti through the middle
Silly Granny frightening the neighbours Megan and Granny playing knights and castles
Megan, Granny, Kaylin