Pink Hair Girl handed out a blog challenge lately and it really struck a cord with me. I love taking photos, I take my camera wherever I go and I have thousands of pictures of my family and friends and other random shite. Now, because I'm usually the one behind the Canon taking the photos, I don't have as many shots of me than my precious peeps.And.... many of us hate photos of ourselves. I know certainly do. I almost always end up deleting half of them or photoshop the mole on my face out because I hate it so much. I normally point out how many wrinkles you can see and the fact that my face is so assemetrical. I see many flaws that no one else seems to care about.
The challenge is to blog 5 pictures of yourself that you really like, and say 5 things you like about yourself. Then nominate 5 other bloggers to dig into their photo collection and lets share our better side. It can be so hard to appreciate ourselves but I think it is health to find things we like about ourselves.
I did this photoshoot as a present to my hubby
before I lost 8kg and even still I was still happy with the results.
I thoroughly enjoyed this shoot and I felt very sexy that day.
This is my favourite photo of my Boerewors and me
(even though I'm not wearing a stitch of make up and
my eyes were scrunched up from looking into the sun)
We were sitting outside enjoying the sunshine and Megan pointed the camera at us,
My Boerewors put his arm around me and I was content and happy.
You can feel the love in this shot.
I love my girls and pictures with them are so special
If I can cuddle them both at the same time and capture that moment on a photo, I'm happy!
This picture was taken by Megan who was probably about 3½ at the time.
I love it for two reasons - because Megan took it and
it was one of those call-yer-name-and-you-turn-around surprise snaps
This is also one of my favourites because it includes my precious mum and sister.
I love them both very dearly and this picture shows how much I love them.
The five things I like about me:1. I like my sense of humour and my ability to make others laugh and feel good about themselves.2. I like my long eyelashes and blue eyes.3. I consider myself a strong woman with an unwavering point of view 4. I am resiliant and resouceful. I make it happen and I have a plan.5. I am unique.I now pass this Photo Blog Challenge on to five others to do the same. I can't wait to see your favourite five pictures. I nominate:Green Eyed Momster
Kim Ayres
Nat the Fat Rat
Monkey Man