So, I asked my Blogger Friends to ask me any questions they had about me or things they wanted answered. Here are my responses to y'all.
Matty asked:
Megan must’ve been about 2 years old at the time and, every time we walked past a certain art store in our neighbourhood, Megan used to stop and stare at the naked statue of David that was on display out front.
One day Megan stopped dead in her tracks, as if viewing it for the first time, and declared: “Look Mummy that mans got a tail!” I nearly killed myself laughing but I quickly answered her back: “No, Megan that’s not a tail, that’s the man’s willy”.
“Oooooh!” she happily replied.
Every time we went past that shop after that, she’d stop, point and declare in her full-volume high-pitched two-year-old voice: “Look Mummy! It’s the man with the willy!” We used to get a lot of sniggers and smiles from the busy shoppers. Sometimes she’d even request to go past the shop just to see “The Man with the Willy”.
I’m pretty much embarrass-free now.
Becca asked:
How long have you had your blog?
I’ve been blogging since October 2007. So that would be just over about 2 and a half years. I have made some awesome friends along the way and I have learned a lot from my Blogger Buds. Thanx to y’all!!
Blasé asked:
After you and he met, how long did it take your present husband to get into your panties?
Firstly I don't often wear panties (as you put it). I call them knickers.
My Boerewors and I have been together for 12 years now and we didn’t have a first date - we had a first shag. I was packing up to leave the country and go and work in London. It was my “last fling” so to speak and he asked me to stay. I did and we fell in lurve.
We did everything backwards!
Brian Miller asked:
if yday off, and no obligations...what would you be doing?
With two little active girl-children I really don’t get much time by myself but if there were no obligations, I’d love to be doing something adventurous. Learning to sky-dive or going on a hot air balloon ride or bungee jumping.
I love to get my adrenalin pumping.
Rick asked:
Favorite dessert?
That’s easy – anything chocolate. I'm a serious chocoholic but my ultimate favourite is chocolate mousse.
Alan W. Davidson asked:
You, like myself, are Scottish by birth bud moved to a 'foreign' country at a young age...how closely do you identify with your Scottish heritage?
I'm not a teuchter or anything. We're fae Kilmarnock so I'm a city girl just the same.
I was only 10 when I left Scotland but I still have the accent and I remember lots more than ye'd expect a 10 year old to remember. I still blether very fondly about ma Scots heritage. I still get goose bumps and hae a good greet when listening tae the bagpipes. I love square sausage, scots pies with mushy peas n gravy and Jaffa cakes. Wheesht! Don't tell anyone.
I cannae wait until I have the funds tae go and tour the country and see all the things I dinnae get tae see when living there. All my extended family are still there but I do consider myself South African with a British ticket. I’ve been here fir almost 30 years noo but I'm still a proud wee Scot at heart.
Lena asked:
Do you cringe or feel proud at the thought of the first record you ever bought...?
The first record I bought was a single (yeah, remember those little vinyl 45’s?) I bought Survivor's Eye of the Tiger. I’d play it full blast on my dad’s old record player over and over until I knew all the words. I was about 12!
So, no I don't cringe because I still love the song and I still know all the words. I do have a few dodge vinyls from the 80's that I will leave stashed in the back of the cupboard for all eternity.
Vicky asked:
Why did you family choose SA to move to when you were 10?
Picture this - Scotland 1981, Princess Di was getting married and the UK was bang-slap in the midst of the British Recession. My dad couldn’t find work even remotely close to home and so he would be away from home working in the Shetland Islands, St. Kilda or on oil rigs and we never got to see him. Dad would be away sometimes for 6 months at a time. I think my dad came to the realisation that it was not a quality of life he wanted. He never saw his wife and kids!
We had friends that moved to South Africa and they helped my dad get a job to come to and we sold everything and left for sunny SA. It was a brave and scary move for our wee family.
When we stepped off the plane, I truly thought we were coming to jungle and people with bones through their noses. We didn’t know what to expect. All I remember from that day was stepping off the plane and being hit by the African sun. The heat took my breath away.
If you missed the post and still want a question answered. Leave your question below and I'll do another one soon.
Hope everyone had an awesome weekend.