Angie Harmon is on the cover of December’s Shape Magazine looking AMAZING! She talks about the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle with her family and how she does it.
If Angie can’t find time to get to the gym she gets her exercise in other ways:
“I try to think of weekend activities that involve Jason and the kids as much as possible,” she says. That includes long bike rides, swimming, hiking, and jumping on the backyard trampoline.”
On Southern-style comfort foods she loves:
“People have a misconception of Southern food. They think we deep-fry hamburgers and then put marshmallow cream on top of them!” says the Dallas native. “But our food is about big flavor, not huge amounts of grease or fat. And when food tastes good, you don’t need giant servings to feel satisfied.”
Her family eats an all organic diet and avoids sugars at all costs:
“I even dilute the girls’ apple juice,” she says. Sure, every now and then they get a bite of birthday cake at a friend’s party. “It’s hilarious,” says Angie. “They’re like Tasmanian devils whirling around the room. You can definitely tell these girls don’t eat sugar very often!”