Katharine on whether she would ever change her famous hair color:
“I’ve definitely been thinking about it. I really hope for [a] movie role in which I have to go blonde. Not platinum blonde, but I think it’d be really fun just for a couple months to kind of be a light, dirty-blonde color.”
Katharine on whether she works out:
“I do what I can, especially as busy as I am. Right now, I’m just working on stretching in the downtime that I have and bringing little weights with me for my arms and doing lunges. Lunges are something I can always do anywhere, so it doesn’t matter if I have a gym or not. And I do love yoga.”
Katharine on her Fall must-have items:
“Definitely cashmere baby doll dresses with tights and little ankle boots. Long sweaters to wear with jeans, to dress them up. Little hats to wear. Oh, and scarves. I’ve stocked up on scarves.”