I nicked this questionaire from LauraHere are the rules!1. You can ONLY answer Yes or No.2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages or comments you and asks. Believe me, the temptation to explain some of these will be overwhelming as nothing is exactly as it seems.3. Answer carefully you will say YES to more than you think.------------------------------------------------------------Kissed any one of your Facebook friends? NoBeen arrested? NoKissed someone you didn’t like? YESSlept in until 5 PM? YESFallen asleep at work/school? YESHeld a snake? YESRan a red light? YESBeen suspended from school? NOExperienced love at first sight? NOLied about your age? YESTotaled your car in an accident? YESBeen fired from a job? YESFired somebody? NOSang karaoke? YESPointed a gun at someone? YESDone something you told yourself you wouldn’t? YESLaughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? YESCaught a snowflake on your tongue? YESKissed in the rain? YESHad a close brush with death (your own)? YESSeen someone die? NOPlayed spin-the-bottle? YESSang in the shower? YESSmoked a cigar? YESSat on a rooftop? YESSmuggled something into another country? YESBeen pushed into a pool with all your clothes? YESBroken a bone? YESSkipped school? YESEaten a bug? YESSleepwalked? YESWalked a moonlit beach? YESRode a motorcycle? YESDumped someone? YESForgotten your anniversary? NOLied to avoid a ticket? YESRidden in a helicopter? NOShaved your head? NOBlacked out from drinking? YESPlayed a prank on someone? YESHit a home run? NOFelt like killing someone? YESCross-dressed? YESBeen falling-down drunk? YESMade your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? YESEaten snake/Shark? YESMarched/Protested? NOHad Mexican jumping beans for pets? NOPuked on an amusement park ride? NOSeriously & intentionally boycotted something? NOBeen in a band? NOKnitted? YESBeen on TV? YESShot a gun? YESSkinny-dipped? YESGave someone stitches? YESEaten a whole habanero pepper? YESRidden a surfboard? NOWent water skiing? YESDrank straight from a liqour bottle? YESHad surgery? YESStreaked? YESRidden in a hot air balloon? NOTaken by ambulance to hospital? NOTripped on mushrooms? NOPassed out when not drinking? YESPeed on a bush? YESDonated Blood? YESGrabbed electric fence? YESEaten alligator meat? YESKilled an animal when not hunting? YESHit someone in the face? YESHitchhiked? YESPeed your pants in public? YESTattoo? YESSnuck into a movie without paying? YESSleep on a certain side of the bed? YESStayed up for 48 hours straight? YESStill love someone you shouldn’t? NOThink about the future? YESBeen in handcuffs? YESBelieve in love? YESStill in touch with your childhood sweetheart? NOAccepted too much change from a clerk? YES