Cameron Diaz gets candid and opens up about growing, her future and her favourite city in the world in the new issue of W magazine.
Cameron on whether she dreamed of being an actress when she was a kid: “Oh, no. I wanted to be a zoologist, to study the sociology of animals. But that’s pretty much what I do now anyway. I thought I’d be on the plains of Africa watching lions, but instead I’m in Hollywood watching train wrecks.” And then she busts out laughing and adds hastily, “I’m just kidding.”
Cameron on her futuer goals: “Just kind of taking more time getting to know myself. It sounds so corny that I can’t believe I even just said that, but, you know, there comes a time when you really have to get to know who you are…I’ve just been figuring out what interests me and spending time with people who are important to me and being present in my own life.”
Cameron on Las Vegas: “I looooove Vegas. It’s such an easy trip from L.A., and there’s always a hotel room because there’s about a billion of them, but honestly, you don’t even really need one if you’re just going for the weekend!”