Keira Knightley goes pop in the Winter 2007/2008 issue of Strut magazine.
In the special issue, the British beauty gets candid about life, love and her booming career.
Keira on her mission to prove that she’s more than just a pretty face: “I had been doing Pirates of the Caribbean for about two years, and as much as that was extraordinary and amazing, I wanted to do something completely different. I think that’s why I chose to do [these two two films.] I did Silk first and then I had five days off and went straight onto Atonement. I wanted to play these characters. I wanted something totally different from the Pirate experience.”
Keira on nude scenes: “Some actors are absolutely not comfortable with taking their clothes off and nudity, and that’s completely fine, but I am. I’ve always been fine with it. No one is completely comfortable with her body, everyone has insecurities, but it’s not about that. It’s about, for me, my body, my face, my head, my mind — everything; that’s the tool that I have to work with. I’ve never had a problem using it. Anything I felt uncomfortable with I’ve always said no to. So I only do nudity if I’m completely comfortable with the surroundings and I’ve talked to the director and he’s explained to me exactly what he wants in the shot and I’m fine with it.”