Nicole Scherzinger is too hot to handle on the cover of Rap-Up magazine’s December 2007/January 2008 issue, on newsstands now. You can preview the issue at Rap-Up.com but here are some interview highlights:
On artists she admires:
“I think Beyonce is just amazing. She blows my mind. Gwen Stefani is one-of-a-kind. She’s the epitome of cool. Diana Ross—I wish I could be her. Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, all those people…”
On her ex-boyfriend Talon Torriero from MTV’s Laguna Beach:
“I wasn’t looking to date anybody because I was halfway into the Pussycat Dolls thing. And we met and he wouldn’t let up. And he was persistent, and you know what, it worked.”
If she could date any celebrity:
“I think one time I was like, ‘Matthew McConaughey is such a hottie and he’s a surfer.’ I used to kinda have a crush on him. Everybody loves that guy from The Notebook [Ryan Gosling]. Every girl watches and is like, ‘That’s gonna be me one day. It’s gonna be my guy.”
On not being very Internet-savvy and her distaste for blogs:
“I don’t know how to work an Internet. I don’t know how to get on my MySpace. But I don’t really read blogs. The couple that I do, they break my heart, so I don’t like them. But it’s okay because it keeps the eye of the tiger in me.”
