Rose McGowan graces the front cover of Venice Magazine.Pictures Source: ONTD
Lindsay on her role of protector to her friends and family: “When my friends and family are around me I feel like they’re safe . . . When my friends have left me - I’ve just seen everything collapse. They’re not safe without me.” Lindsay on rehab: “It’s so weird that I went to rehab. I always said I would die before I went to rehab.”Lindsay on the thought process that lead her to check in: “I thought, `I’m going to stay here tonight.’ And I stayed there. For a month. It was great. I don’t know that I’m necessarily an addict.”Lindsay on continuing her party lifestyle despite a 30-day stay in rehab: “That’s my life!”[Source]
On being typecast in certain roles because she’s Mexican:I started out in Hollywood at the same time as Jennifer Lopez. Before us, Latinas only had roles that were part of the backdrop, as the maid or prostitute. We changed that.On issues with her appearance:Especially when I have to appear in public, and there are cameras…the stress is sensational. Sometimes I don’t like the dress—the way it fits, the way I look. And there are a million people looking at me, telling me to smile, but I don’t feel like smiling. But then I have to keep everything in perspective.[Source]